Thursday, May 9th, 2019 by Sabrina Hunter

Check the Screw
Open every door, cabinet, and drawers and check for loose knows, screws, and weak hinges. Loose screws and hinges can pose a safety hazard resulting in damages to the door frame or even slips and fall. Take along a flathead screwdriver and inspect the home.Mother's Day is coming up and everyone is buying baskets of flowers and chocolates. Another perfect gift to make her feel special is a few minor home improvements. Take a look at some examples you can do to show your appreciation.
Unclog the Gutters After a long winter, gutters will contain all the flying objects, debris and maybe a bird's nest. Gutters need to be cleaned twice a year but climbing the ladder can be dangerous. Take care of this horrible chore and schedule a certified gutter guard installer. Your mother will never have to worry about cleaning the gutters again.
Flush the Drains Low-flow faucets and a toilet can be energy efficient for saving water. However, the low volume of water cannot carry the debris away with a single flush. To solve this issue, flush the pipes with a large amount of water by pouring five gallons of water into the toilet while flushing at the same time.
To book a free inspection on a gutter guard protection system, call us at 1-203-721-6200 or fill out a form HERE!